A Birthday dedicated to solidarity for H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro

A Birthday dedicated to solidarity for H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro

Prince Charles has decided to share this special day with those who have difficulties, offering them various medications. A birthday full of love for the family, but also for those who have difficulties. On February…

Press Review: globaltv-sainttropez.tv- January, 10th 2019

Press Review: globaltv-sainttropez.tv- January, 10th 2019

Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies chose Saint-Tropez to celebrate the new year’s eve with her family! Click HERE to see the article.

Press Review: Bella.it - December, 20th 2018

Press Review: Bella.it - December, 20th 2018

A Princess who is a Manager and a mother as well. Click HERE to read the article.

Press Review: tg2.rai.it - December, 19th 2018

Press Review: tg2.rai.it - December, 19th 2018

Princess Camilla at the Association Salvamamme. Click HERE to watch the video.