The Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies on holiday in Marrakesh and a surprise birthday in the heart of Mamounia Click HERE to read the article.

Press Review: Hola! - January, 4th 2023

Press Review: El Mundo - December, 28th 2022
Chiara of Bourbon Two Sicilies, the princess who is studying at Harvard and finding her inspiration in Leonor. Read the article HERE.

Press Review: Point de Vue - December 28th, 2022
Maria Chiara of Bourbon Two Sicilies: “Becoming an adult gives me even more strength” Click here to read the article.

Press Review: Vanitatis El Confidencial - December, 28th 2022
Chiara of Bourbon Two Sicilies turns 18: we talked with her about Leonor and Sofía and what being a princess means Click here to read the article.

Press Review: - November, 15th 2022
Maria Chiara and Maria Carolina, involved Princesses Read more HERE

Press Review: Vanitatis El Confidencial - November 13rd, 2022
Albert of Monaco: from a career with two Princesses of Bourbon Two Sicilies to rugby with Charlène Click HERE to read the article.