Press Review: Momento March, 6th 2018

Press Review: Momento March, 6th 2018

From the Oscar night to the UNO, a tour in the US for Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies in defence of women and minors. Click HERE to read the article.

Press Review: GIORNALELORA.COM- January, 3rd 2018

Press Review: GIORNALELORA.COM- January, 3rd 2018

Read the article: Carlo e Camilla di Borbone delle Due Sicilie: capodanno sulla neve e compleanno solidale

Press Review: VENICEONAIR.COM- January, 3rd 2018

Press Review: VENICEONAIR.COM- January, 3rd 2018

Read the article: A Cortina Carlo e Camilla di Borbone delle Due Sicilie e festa di compleanno di Maria Chiara, giovane ambasciatrice progetto solidale “Briciole di Salute”

Press Review: ARTISTANEWS.COM- January, 3rd 2018

Press Review: ARTISTANEWS.COM- January, 3rd 2018

Read the article: Capodanno solidale sulla neve per le AA.RR. Carlo e Camilla di Borbone

Press Review: LOSTRILLO.IT- January, 3rd 2018

Press Review: LOSTRILLO.IT- January, 3rd 2018

Read the article: Carlo e Camilla di Borbone delle Due Sicilie: capodanno sulla neve e compleanno solidale