The Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies visited Portugal last week at the invitation of the Royal House of Braganza. H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House, traveled accompanied by his wife, H.R.H. Princess Camilla, Duchess of Castro, and his two daughters, H.R.H Princess Maria Carolina , Duchess of Palermo and H.R.H. Princess Maria Chiara, Duchess of Capri.

Several the reasons for this three-day visit to Portugal, including the participation of the Royal Family to the traditional festivities in honor of the Saint Queen Isabel of Coimbra, along with the Royal House of Bragança.
During a reception at the Duke and Duchess of Bragança’s home in São Pedro de Sintra, the Duke of Castro, 59th Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, has invested H.R.H. Dom Afomso de Bragança, Prince of Beira, as Knight Grand Cross of Justice.
Highlights of the visit were, in the morning of July 4th the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Fatima, and in the afternoon the Lithurgy Mass of Saint Isabel celebrated in the Convent of Santa Clara in Coimbra, during which H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro received from the Grand Master H.R.H. the Duchess of Braganza the Insigna and Diploma of Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Saint Isabel.

At Fatima, the Royal Family has offered prayers to Our Lady of Fatima at the small Chapel of the Apparitions, and then visited the Royal Lipsanotheca, an exhibition of relics of the Foundation Oureana / D. Manuel II, presented by Mr. Carlos Evaristo, Expert of relics and Chairman of the chapter of the Patrons of the Vatican Museums, with particular emphasis on the relics of the Seers of Fatima, the Sicilian Saints and the Major Relic of the Blessed Maria Cristina, Queen of Naples, recently beatified by Pope Francis.

Together with the Royal Family of Bourbon Two Sicilies in pilgrimage to the Altar of Fatima were H.R.H. Dom Duarte, Duke of Bragança, H.S.H. Prince Peter von Hohenberg, grandson of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, H.S.H. Princess Marie-Therese von Hohenberg, H.E. Mr. Anthony Bailey, Delegate of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in Great Britain and Irland and Magistral Delegate for Interreligious Relations; the Marquis of Rio Maior, D. João Saldanha Vicente; Dr. Miguel Horte e Costa, Baron of Santa Comba Dão, Delegate of the Sacred Military Constantinian
Order of St. George in Portugal, Sir Gavyn Arthur, former Lord Mayor of London; Eng.Domingos Patacho of the Royal Association; Dr. José Carlos Ramalho Royal Association of Ribatejo, Dr. Francisco Ramalho, Dr. Alberto Calafato Janelli, Private Secretary to the Duke of Castro and Dr. Carlos Evaristo, who led the visit to the shrine.
The day ended with a dinner in honor of the T.R.H. Duke and Duchess of Castro, set in the beautiful surroundings of the Castle Forte da Cruz on the Estoril Coast residence of Dona Diane Barros de Polignac and Dr. Miguel Horte e Costa, Baron of Santa Cumba Dão.