On Monday 19th October a Holy Mass is going to take place in the Church of the Saints Idefonso and Thomas of Villanova in Via Sistina, 11 in Rome, to pay a tribute to His…
Year: 2009

Lieutenant General Aldo Cinelli receives the insignia of Knight of Grand Cross of Merit
16 September, 2009. The Lieutenant General Aldo Cinelli, Secretary General and Director of the weaponries of the Ministry of Defense received the insignia of Knight of Grand Cross of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian…

Alessandro de Franciscis “permanent medic” of the Bureau Médical
To mark the occasion of the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes HE Mons. Jacques Perrier officially appointed Alessandro de Franciscis “permanent medic” of the Bureau Médical, the institution…

Visit to the Mayor of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Scoppellitti
A Delegation of the Constantinian Order headed by HE Ambassador Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, Secretary General of the Order and Knight Commander Marco Cecilia Member of the Magistral Juridical Council, paid a visit to the Mayor…

Account of the activities carried out by the Constantinian Order in the province of Syracuse
9 January 2009. The Constantinian Chaplain Don Vincenzo Marino presented an account of the activities carried out by the Constantinian Knights and Dames in the province of Syracuse throughout the year. The presence of the…

Ceremony for Investiture of Admiral Raimondo Pollastrini
Rome, 8 January 2009. A Eucharistic celebration presided by Very Reverend Monsignor Salvatore Genchi and co-celebrated by Constantinian Chaplain Don Vincenzo Marino, took place in the Chapel Stella Maris inside the harbor office of Rome,…